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第512章 大结局(第三版) (第3/3页)
s from the scientific point of view. ??5、(2020.1)smantha's professor tryed to go to cn to contribute his knowledge.but he died even before being able to get on the plane。before he went, he left a final will to samantha. ??6、(2020.7)samantha took rodent ■蛊's rna sequences. from the sequence, the way of mutation from rodent to human is quite clear. ??she also brought the autopsy details of patient zero, the asian animal caretaker; brought the autopsy details of patients that died from “vaping illness“ and “flu season“. she also brought the full decision of cdc to shut down fortxd; ??those data include pictures, videos, p.c.r and anti_b□dy tests, that can proof the original source of ■蛊; ??she also brought the contract between the company that makes【■绿魁】with fortxd,yet again, proof the nature of antixhumanity and anyixscience of us. ??但是,这些证据该怎么用,将由上级在慎重考虑、讨论之后再做决定。基本策略上,并不会直接一股脑将证据全部放出,而是通过用这些证据挟持大米,逼其变更目前的xx策略,停止甩锅,和世界一起努力对抗蛊王,让世界更加美好。 ??萨曼莎被安排在中科院的秘密实验室接受保护,并继续她的研究。 ??颜然、冷封分别得到内部不公开的奖励,称他们此举对全世界的对抗蛊王的工作有着深远而重大的影响。 ??当年8月,在蛊王在中国的防御工作告一段落之际,颜然和另一位■院士,被同时授予了最高荣誉的【decoration and medal awarded by the p.r.c】。 ??颜然以20岁的年纪,成为历史上第10位获得此项殊荣的人,其授予理由保密三十年。 ??这则news一经播出,立即引来了全世界的强烈反响及关注。在海外,关于“颜然果然是■■的■■”的讨论一时间甚嚣尘上,但很奇怪的,在大米,所有媚体都像失了声一样,对此不置一评。这种现象被国内和其他海外的网民注意到,由此展开了非常丰富的联想:camadian suddenly stop holding the cfo, and daughter of hongmeng ceo;the mad king suddenly stop saying “jiangcity ■蛊”, and start asking people to wear a mask…… ??对颜然的行程异常熟悉的粉丝们,不难联想到在《燃烧的我们》结束后,颜然放着一堆影视拍摄计划不顾,突然跑到万物起源之国的故事。敏感地猜测到颜然的这枚勋章,必定与这段时间发生的故事有关。但这种讨论一旦出现在网上,哪怕是爱然社区,都会被立即删贴。 ??“保密三十年”的命令,并不是开玩笑的。 ??不过粉丝们欣慰的是,颜然目前才刚刚二十岁,再过三十年,也依旧是风华正茂的人。到时,他们还能为颜然庆祝解密,并再一次了解这位female hero,当年究竟是做了什么。 ??(全书终) ??嗯。。。这下应该好了吧。